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Monday 2 January 2012

Check Out The Competition

The next step involves checking out the competition. This is probably going to be the most time consuming part of the process but the more you do this, the quicker the process will become so stick at it.

‘Checking out the competition’ means determining whether each of the products you have chosen are ones that you can easily rank for in Google. Your goal is to get your product reviews on the first page of Google for all of the keywords in your list but if there are too many other strong websites trying to do the same thing then it will be a lot harder for you to compete.

Now there are a few ways to do this and what you read here may be contrary to a lot of other methods being touted out there but this is how we do it and it’s what works for us.

Firstly, we don’t use quotes around our keywords in Google search to determine the number of competing websites. In fact, we don’t really care about the NUMBER of competing websites. We are really only interested in those websites on the first page of Google for our keyword phrases. They are the websites we want to beat so we’re not concerned about the thousands or millions of other websites on page 2 and onwards.

Let’s use our Panasonic drill keywords as an example of how we go about this. If I take one of the keywords on our list ‘Panasonic ey6432gqke’ and type that into a Google search I will end up with the following results:

The first three websites displayed are the sites you want to beat to get into one of those top three positions in Google for the keyword phrase “Panasonic ey6432gqkw”.

So let’s take the first link on that page which is a link to Amazon and is coincidentally a link to the product we want to promote. Now you might think that Amazon would be tough to compete with but I can tell you now that we easily outrank Amazon for a lot of keywords. They are not that difficult to beat.

I now click on that link…

…which takes me to the Amazon website where I copy the URL at the top of the screen.

Read The Ebook On The Sidebar To Follow The Right Steps Sequence!


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