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Monday 2 January 2012

3: The Introduction

Take your time with writing the introduction. It needs to draw the person in so that they continue to read your entire review. You don’t want to make it boring and by boring I mean you don’t want to start if off like so many reviews I’ve seen with the words “Today I am going to review the Panasonic Cordless Drill…” or “The Panasonic Cordless Drill is a great product and I am going to show you why”.

Those sorts of introductions are not terrible but they just don’t grab the attention of your reader.

We find that the best way to write an introduction for a review is to make it personal, almost like you are talking to a friend. So for my Panasonic Review I might write something like the following:

I have a friend who is in the market for a drill. Sounds simple right?…just send them down to the local hardware store and buy one. Well, it’s not that easy. There are so many to choose from and if you don’t know what you are doing you could end up buying something that really doesn’t do the job. So I decided to take it upon myself to do the research for him to find the best cordless drill on the market today and eventually came up with the Panasonic 15-6 Volt 1/2-Inch Cordless Drill (EY6432GQKW).

I’ll think you’ll agree that it sounds a bit better than “Today I am going to review the Panasonic Cordless Drill…”

Now I’m not advocating that you make things up….apart from the fact that it’s really not good karma, you want to create a level of trust with your readers. That was just an example to show how you can weave a story into it to make it a little more interesting.

If you can’t think of a story that relates to you then you can write something like the following:

I love writing reviews and decided it was time to check out the range of cordless drills. I’ve used cordless drills in the past but have never really researched them. I just assumed that a drill was a drill and that I just needed to buy one that suited my budget. How wrong was I? There is more to cordless drills than meets the eye so I took some time to really get into the detail to find out the best cordless drill on the market today. My extensive research finally led me to the Panasonic 15-6 Volt 1/2-Inch Cordless Drill (EY6432GQKW).

See Attachment 7 for more detailed information on weaving a story into your product reviews.

One other important thing to remember when writing your introduction is to add a couple of relevant keywords if you can. This is where the keyword list you came up with in Step 2 comes in handy. Notice in my intro I have included the keywords “cordless drills”, “best cordless drill” and “Panasonic 15-6 Volt 1/2-Inch Cordless Drill (EY6432GQKW)”.

Don’t overdo it with your keywords as your review will start to sound a little odd. You are better off writing naturally rather than trying to stuff keywords in where they don’t really fit.

Read The Ebook On The Sidebar To Follow The Right Steps Sequence!


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