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Monday 2 January 2012

1: Gather Together Everything You Can Write About the Product

The first step is finding out everything you can about the product. Now I can just hear you all groaning at this point thinking that this is already too much work. But just remember that you only need a handful of reviews to potentially make a good income online.

You should only have to spend about a day writing a really good review and once it’s done it’s done. After that, you only really need to tweak it. So at most a day of work can result in thousands of dollars in recurring income.

So the first thing I do is go to the product page on Amazon and take the first bit of content I see which in this case are the Technical Details:

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I then take this info and convert it into content for the review. So I start with the first dot point from the Technical Details information above which is:
‘15.6 Ni-MH volt drill ½ inch cordless drill/driver kit with keyless chuck’.

Hmm, I have no idea what any of that means. I’ve used a drill a couple of times in the past but that’s about it, so I need to do a bit of research first. I go to my browser window and do a Google search and type in “what to look for in a cordless drill”. This gives me quite a few different sites for research.

I also get a bit more specific and type in searches such as “what is an NiMH cordless drill” and “cordless drill volts”.

And finally, I quickly scan the manufacturer’s site to see what they have to say.

Now after reading a couple of websites and getting a bit of background info on what the volts and NiMH actually mean I realize that they are quite important when it comes to a cordless drill. As I read the information on those sites I’ve been taking notes and come up with the following:

15.6 volt NiMH cordless drill

  • The number of volts is one of the most important components of a cordless drill.
  • The greater the volts the faster the motor spins and therefore the more powerful the drill.
  • The downside with having too many volts is that the battery will be heavier and therefore the drill will be heavier.
  • Most consider the Ni-MH battery to be one of the best for cordless drill use.
  • Compared to NiCad batteries, NiMH batteries last longer.
  • NiMH batteries are also lighter than NiCad batteries.
  • NiMH batteries have a quick recharging time.
  • The Panasonic website mentions that for this cordless drill the battery charges in as little as 55 minutes and also features a 5 minute emergency charge.

But I still don’t know what the next part means - ‘½-inch cordless drill/drive with keyless chuck’. So I do another couple of searches in Google with “what is a 1/2inch cordless drill” and “what is a keyless chuck” and come up with the following information:

½ inch cordless drill with keyless chuck
  • The keyless chuck means you that can hand tighten the bits so you don’t need extra tools to do it.
  • Most cordless drills have a 3/8 inch chuck whereas the Panasonic has a ½ inch chuck. This means that larger drill bits can be used giving you greater flexibility.

Already you can see we are gathering quite a bit of information and we are still only on the first dot point of the Technical Details list from the Amazon website!

Notice also, that each dot point doesn’t just talk about the features. Instead I have taken each feature and written the benefit of that feature.

For instance, if I were only talking about the features I might say:

“The Panasonic Cordless drill has an NiMH battery”.

However, if I were to talk about the benefits I might say:

“The Panasonic cordless drill has an NiMH battery which is lighter than NiCad batteries and has a quick recharging time.”

Your readers will want to see how the products you promote are going to benefit them. They don’t just want to see a list of features.

So, once I have created my first list of dot points I go back to the Amazon Technical Details information to the next bit of information which talks about dual speed ranges, 390 pounds of torque and so on and do exactly the same thing. This results in even more dot points to add to my already growing list.

Once I have done that I move on to the next piece of content in Amazon which is the Product Description (see image below) and pretty much do the same thing.

I just take each sentence in the Product Description and see if I can create a list of dot points about it. Sometimes the information in the Product Description may be the same as the information in the Technical Details list. If that is the case, just keep reading the Product Description to see if you can find anything new that you haven’t already written up your own dot points for.

Then I move on to the next section and do exactly the same thing again. The next section for this product is the Product Details:

Click The Image To get Better View

I can quickly see that there is probably nothing major that I can write about here although I can talk about the Average Customer Review which is rated at 4.5 out of 5 so I add that to my list of dot points as well. It might look something like this:

Amazon Rating
  • Consumers in Amazon have given this product a 4.5 star rating.

Now I head on over to the manufacturer’s website and do exactly the same thing. The Panasonic site has a wealth of information I can use. I just work my way through each sentence of information to see if I can find anything new that I haven’t already written dot points for.

By the time I am finished I will have a big list of dot points on all aspects of the drill

Read The Ebook On The Sidebar To Follow The Right Steps Sequence!


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